Former CIA Officer’s Claim of Non-Human Intelligence on Earth Debunked by Fact Checkers

The claim that a former CIA officer has revealed the existence of non-human intelligence living among us on Earth is based on a report by The US Sun on Sunday1, which cited an interview that Jim Semivan gave to the “Calling All Beings” podcast with Brian Keating. Semivan is a former CIA officer who co-founded To The Stars Academy, a company that investigates various topics related to aliens. In the podcast, he said, “There’s some kind of non-human intelligence that’s living with us on this planet!” He also shared his personal experience of seeing “aliens” in his bedroom in the 1990s, one of which looked like a Dementor from Harry Potter.

However, there is no official confirmation or evidence to support Semivan’s claim, which is based on his personal belief and anecdotal experience. The US government has not acknowledged the existence of any non-human intelligence or alien vehicles on Earth, despite recent disclosures of unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) by the Pentagon and other sources. The Debrief2, an online media outlet that covers science and technology, reported that a former intelligence official named David Grusch had given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General classified information about covert programs that allegedly possess retrieved craft of non-human origin. However, this report has not been verified or corroborated by any other source, and Grusch himself has faced retaliation and legal threats from the government for his whistleblowing.

Therefore, the claim that a former CIA officer has revealed the existence of non-human intelligence living among us on Earth is not factually accurate, but rather a sensationalized and speculative interpretation of one person’s opinion and experience. There is no conclusive or credible evidence to support this claim at this time.

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