Dojo: Tesla’s AI Supercomputer for Self-Driving and Beyond

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and founder of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, has recently announced his latest project: a supercomputer named Dojo that aims to revolutionize artificial intelligence (AI) and self-driving technology. But what is Dojo, how does it work, and what are its implications for the future of AI and transportation? Here are some key facts and insights about Musk’s ambitious venture.

What is Dojo?

Dojo is a supercomputer designed and built by Tesla for computer vision video processing and recognition. It will be used for training Tesla’s machine learning models to improve its Full Self-Driving (FSD) advanced driver-assistance system. According to Tesla, it went into production in July 2023 1 and will offer 18.4 exaflops of “AI performance” 2, making it the world’s fastest AI supercomputer 3.

Dojo’s goal is to efficiently process millions of terabytes of video data captured from real-life driving situations from Tesla’s 4+ million cars 4. This goal led to a considerably different architecture than conventional supercomputer designs 56. Dojo consists of a custom chip called D1, which contains 80 billion transistors and is the first GPU to support PCle Gen5 and utilize HBM3, enabling memory bandwidth of 3TB/s 7. A single D1 chip can deliver 1.1 teraflops of performance at FP32 precision 8. Dojo will have 4,600 D1 chips connected by a new low-latency NVLink-C2C interconnect 9, forming a system called a Training Tile. Each Training Tile will have 256 D1 chips and offer 281.6 teraflops of performance 10. Dojo will have 18 Training Tiles, resulting in a total of 4,608 D1 chips and 5,068.8 teraflops of performance 11.

Dojo was officially announced at Tesla’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Day on August 19, 2021 12, where Musk also unveiled a humanoid robot prototype called Tesla Bot that will use the same AI software as Tesla’s vehicles 13. Musk said that Dojo will be operational by the end of 2023 14 and that it will be accessible to other companies and researchers who want to train their own AI models on large-scale data sets 15.

How does Dojo work?

Dojo will work by ingesting massive amounts of video data from Tesla’s fleet of vehicles, which are equipped with cameras, sensors, and neural network processors that collect and analyze information about the surrounding environment. This data will be uploaded to Tesla’s cloud servers, where Dojo will process it using deep learning algorithms to train and refine Tesla’s FSD software. The improved FSD software will then be downloaded back to the vehicles, enhancing their capabilities and safety.

Dojo will use a type of machine learning system known as a Transformer, which has been incredibly fruitful in various domains such as natural language processing, computer vision, and speech recognition. Transformer models have increased exponentially in size over the space of a few years, requiring more computing power and data to train them effectively. For instance, Google trained a similar model in 2022 with 1.6 trillion parameters (or connections), while OpenAI launched GPT-2 in 2019 with 1.5 billion parameters 16.

Dojo will leverage its unique architecture and scalability to train Transformer models faster and more efficiently than existing systems. Dojo will also use a technique called sparsity, which reduces the number of parameters in a model by pruning out the ones that have little or no impact on the output. This can significantly reduce the memory and computational requirements of the model without compromising its accuracy 17.

What are the benefits of Dojo?

Dojo will have several benefits for Tesla and the AI community at large. Some of these benefits are:

  • Dojo will enable Tesla to achieve its vision of creating fully autonomous vehicles that can drive themselves in any situation without human intervention. This will enhance the convenience, safety, and value of Tesla’s products and services.
  • Dojo will allow Tesla to monetize its data and AI expertise by offering access to other companies and researchers who want to train their own models on large-scale data sets. This will create a new revenue stream for Tesla and foster innovation and collaboration in the AI field.
  • Dojo will advance the state-of-the-art in AI and computer vision by training models that can handle complex tasks such as object detection, segmentation, classification, tracking, pose estimation, depth estimation, semantic understanding, scene reconstruction, and more. This will have applications in various domains such as healthcare, education, entertainment, security, and more.
  • Dojo will contribute to the scientific progress and national security of the United States by providing a powerful tool for research and development. Dojo will also compete with other countries such as China that are investing heavily in AI and supercomputing 18.

What are the challenges and risks of Dojo?

Dojo will also face some challenges and risks that need to be addressed. Some of these are:

  • Dojo will require a lot of energy and cooling to operate, which will increase Tesla’s operational costs and environmental impact. Tesla will need to find ways to optimize its power consumption and carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy sources and efficient cooling systems.
  • Dojo will generate a lot of heat, which can damage the hardware and affect the performance and reliability of the system. Tesla will need to design and implement effective thermal management solutions to prevent overheating and ensure optimal operation.
  • Dojo will depend on the quality and quantity of data from Tesla’s vehicles, which may vary depending on the location, weather, traffic, and user behavior. Tesla will need to ensure that the data is accurate, diverse, representative, and secure and that it complies with the privacy and ethical standards of different regions and jurisdictions.
  • Dojo will face competition from other tech giants such as Nvidia, Google, Intel, IBM, and Amazon, who are also developing their own AI processors and supercomputers. Tesla will need to maintain its technological edge and market share by constantly innovating and improving its products and services.


Dojo is a supercomputer project by Tesla that aims to revolutionize AI and self-driving technology by processing massive amounts of video data from real-life driving situations. Dojo will use a custom chip called D1 and a new architecture called Hopper to train Transformer models faster and more efficiently than existing systems. Dojo will have several benefits for Tesla and the AI community at large, such as enhancing the capabilities and safety of Tesla’s vehicles, creating a new revenue stream for Tesla, advancing the state-of-the-art in AI and computer vision, and contributing to the scientific progress and national security of the United States. Dojo will also face some challenges and risks that need to be addressed, such as energy consumption, cooling, data quality, privacy, ethics, and competition. Dojo is expected to be operational by the end of 2023 and will be accessible to other companies and researchers who want to train their own AI models on large-scale data sets.

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